Easy Renter's Insurance
Your Complete Coverage

Check Our Amazing Nevada Rates

No matter the square footage of your rental, we find a policy that’s right for you

Coverage in 3 minutes

Input your home details and our technology identifies your coverage solutions - it's fast and simple!

Find a match and save hundreds every year

By regularly comparing insurance quotes and potentially switching to a more cost-effective policy, you can save money on your insurance premiums year after year.

Questions or Curious about anything

Want to know what exactly is covered under your insurance policy?

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Whether you’re looking for guidance on selecting the right insurance coverage, understanding your policy terms and conditions, filing a claim, or navigating complex insurance regulations, we’re here to help. 

Check out what our customers are saying!


Our apartment flooded and thank god we had insurance to cover the cost of a damaged sofa. 

Alisa M


Tried it and it worked! My apartment is large with lots of recording equipment so I got it all covered! 

Phoebe W


Feels good to know my jewlery is covered and all my trading computers.

Gerna M


Well, my mom had an issue so I had to get renters insurance immediately.  We were covered in about 10 minutes.  This was faster than I thought.  

Johnny Cutts